Tag: scams

  • I See You, Fern Doucette

    I See You, Fern Doucette

    FYI, I got this super amazing email today:

    The funny thing about this email is that it looks super legit. It came from an actual Paypal email address ([email protected]). The links lead to the actual Paypal domain (I didn’t click them, so I don’t know if the pages are real).

    (Obviously, the point of the scam is get people to call the number, which btw is not even Paypal’s actual contact phone number.)

    Who is Fern Doucette?

    No one I know for sure. But even before looking this up online, you might start hearing all the sus bells:

    • I cropped this out of the screenshot above, but the email was sent to unfamiliar address:
    • I’ve never gotten a money request email (not even sure if they exist), but it’s rather skimpy on the details (under the “Note from Fern Doucette”, it just says “Don’t recognize the sender? Call us now. [number]” Uh huh.
    • I checked my Paypal account and didn’t find any mention of a request like this.
    • The “note” is worded oddly. “Quickly let us know [number]” instead of something like “Call us ASAP at [number]”, which sounds like this person’s English is not 100%.
    • Also there’s no space in front of the “Quickly”, a mistake Paypal wouldn’t make.

    After looking up this person online, I found that “Fern Doucette” brings up A LOT of posts about scams. Yikes, dude. You’d think after a while, they’d use a new alias?

    More info:

  • Sequel to Spellscan? Spellingcheck/Spellhelper

    Sequel to Spellscan? Spellingcheck/Spellhelper

    Hey guys, remember when Spellscan tried to school me?

    1. No “Maria”, I did not. 👿 That’s how you spell “cron“, fffffs.
    2. I would take your two sites a lot more seriously if your email didn’t look like a carbon copy of Spellscan’s.
    3. Like, it makes you wonder. đŸ€” Did Spellscan realize its jig was up and re-emerge under new names?
    4. No one’s talking about it right now, so it must be really new.
    5. First comment on this poor site—does “Maria Campbell” (if that’s even your real name 👿) have nothing better to do?

    Sidenote: randomly found that “Spellscan” has an unofficial Twitter account. đŸ€©

  • SpellScan? Should be SpellScam

    SpellScan? Should be SpellScam

    A few things about this:

    1. I should probably format these messages so they’re readable.
    2. No, I did not, “Beth”. đŸ˜€ That’s how you spell “cron”.
    3. This Spellscan site is a series of spam form submissions hitting sites lately. It made itself known to a few clients at work. If you get one of these, don’t go the spellscan site.
    4. The fact that it actually got through WPBruiser’s antispam checks tells me there are humans submitting these, and not bots. So if you mark it as spam, you might cause legit form submissions to go to spam as well. Which I’m pretty sure you don’t want.


    More folks talking about Spellscam–I mean Spellscan.

    Edit #2

    I guess it’s debatable if it’s actually a scam (I didn’t visit their site). But definitely spam. Spellspam then???