
  • Warframe: Rank 9 Mastery Test FINALLLLLY complete

    Warframe: Rank 9 Mastery Test FINALLLLLY complete

    See, the first two stages of this test weren’t that bad if you use a certain build.

    But that last stage…


    The only requirement is kill all enemies without being noticed.

    You only get a melee weapon.

    You can pick your Warframe.

    You can pick your melee weapon.


    • The Redeemer is considered a melee weapon (it’s a gunblade, but yeah). The gun part is a shotgun with a ridiculously long range.
    • Banshee can fire guns without enemies hearing (even if you can hear the blast). With any other frame, the noise level would be “alarming”, but with Banshee, it’s “silent”.

    (People also had success with other builds, like using Umbra’s sword, which makes you invisible after killing an enemy or the Glaive. I’ve never used Umbra’s sword for this test, but I found the Glaive EXTREMELY difficult to control when throwing it.)

    ANYWAY, even with Banshee + Redeemer, I STILL had trouble with the last stage. I’ve completed the test several times in practice mode, but when I went to do the actual test, I would just fail.

    What’s Different Now?

    The requirement is kill all enemies without being noticed, using whatever Warframe or melee weapon you want. There are also no requirements to where you need to be when killing them.

    The end of the Stage 2 area overlooks the Stage 3 area. But enemies in Stage 3 won’t spawn in until you actually land on Stage 3. BUT once they’ve spawned, they’ll stay spawned. Soooo…

    [1:16] Jump onto the Stage 3 area. Don’t shoot anyone, otherwise they’ll notice you. There’s about 5 or 6 enemies in Stage 3 vs. Stage 2’s 4. Turn around and dash jump back onto the bottom floor of Stage 2.

    [1:16 – 1:40] Massive bloopers 😬 I’m playing on PS5 this time and not used to the controls. So…yeah, see me fail all those jumps.

    [1:40] And then! Just snipe at the Grineer with the Redeemer. Duck behind cover after each shot and wait about 10-15 seconds, especially if you take one out while there was another standing next to him. They won’t hear the gunfire, but they’ll notice their buddy got killed, raising their internal sus alarms. If you’re not careful, they’ll see you.

    When I took out the last Grineer, Banshee just stopped and stood there, but even though I never got the message from the Lotus, saying I failed the test, I for sure thought I failed.

    And then I got the Rank 9 Mastery Test Complete screen! 😮‍💨

    Since the MR points stack up, even if you have a rank test pending, I already had another test queued up, but due to rank test rules, I couldn’t try it out for another 24 hours. And since I’ve been stuck at MR 8 for a really long time, I probably have a huge backlog of rank tests. So….yeah…

  • I See You, Fern Doucette

    I See You, Fern Doucette

    FYI, I got this super amazing email today:

    The funny thing about this email is that it looks super legit. It came from an actual Paypal email address ([email protected]). The links lead to the actual Paypal domain (I didn’t click them, so I don’t know if the pages are real).

    (Obviously, the point of the scam is get people to call the number, which btw is not even Paypal’s actual contact phone number.)

    Who is Fern Doucette?

    No one I know for sure. But even before looking this up online, you might start hearing all the sus bells:

    • I cropped this out of the screenshot above, but the email was sent to unfamiliar address:
    • I’ve never gotten a money request email (not even sure if they exist), but it’s rather skimpy on the details (under the “Note from Fern Doucette”, it just says “Don’t recognize the sender? Call us now. [number]” Uh huh.
    • I checked my Paypal account and didn’t find any mention of a request like this.
    • The “note” is worded oddly. “Quickly let us know [number]” instead of something like “Call us ASAP at [number]”, which sounds like this person’s English is not 100%.
    • Also there’s no space in front of the “Quickly”, a mistake Paypal wouldn’t make.

    After looking up this person online, I found that “Fern Doucette” brings up A LOT of posts about scams. Yikes, dude. You’d think after a while, they’d use a new alias?

    More info:

  • The Hate U Give

    The Hate U Give

    Guys, I think everyone needs to read this book. It was such an emotional ride. The author will put you in Starr’s shoes, and you will feel when she’s feeling (her anger, her fear, etc). The part where her friend is murdered by the cop was pretty terrifying and devastating, but the aftermath was rage-inducing and just as terrifying. It was actually written in 2017, starting as a short story by Thomas after the murder of Oscar Grant, but I’m reading this in 2024, four years after the murder of George Floyd, so I was comparing the aftermath (activism, riots, vandalism, looting) to the aftermath of Floyd’s murder. When people were saying it’s ok that Khalil died because he was a “thug” reminded me of how people kept justifying Floyd’s death was ok because he was on drugs. And guys???? Even rapists and murderers get fair trials.

    Also toward the end of the book, Starr lists a number of police brutality victims, including Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, and last but not least Emmett Till (killed in 1955).

    Also on a less serious note, there is a portion where Starr describes her dad’s theory about the Hogswarts houses being street gangs:

    Okay, so it is a good theory. Daddy claims the Hogwarts houses are really gangs. They have their own colors, their own hideouts, and they are always riding for each other, like gangs. Harry, Ron, and Hermione never snitch on one another, just like gangbangers. Death Eaters even have matching tattoos. And look at Voldemort. They’re scared to say his name. Really, that “He Who Must Not Be Named” stuff is like giving him a street name. That’s some gangbanging shit right there.

    The Hate U Give

    And if you’re a sci-fi nerd like me (of Star Wars and very specifically, of The Acolyte), Amandla Stenberg, who portrays the twins, is Starr in the movie version.