Dream: What a Night of Stress Will Bring You

(Ehe, Jeidai knows what I mean by “stress”. T_T)

There were three small dreams actually:

Dream #1

I was at some sort of cafe/restaurant, when a horde of goblins/trolls came in clubs and started causing trouble. I freaked out and tried to hide, but they found me anyway and started to come after me…

Dream #2

I was in a forest where elves lived. Their houses were made from bedsheets draped over the trees. When I was with this little elf girl (who I drew in my sketchbook some time ago), a goblin came and tried to kidnap me (I was randomly chosen). He noticed that I was a human, and therefore hohoho! I would be easy to grab, because I had hair! I looked over the elf girl, thinking ‘Umm…doesn’t she have hair too?’ (hair longer than mine XP). And I wondered why I was being attacked by all these goblins. XO

Both the elf girl and goblin were identified with Pokemon. The elf girl was a Poliwag (incorrectly labeled as a Poliwhirl in this dream) and the goblin was a Fearow. :3

Dream #3

Adam was a studio art major at my school. He also played the saxophone. 😛 After he finished his painting of a saxophone made from a Japanese-style quilt on a shaped canvas, he and the art tech had a pretend lightsaber duel.

The end. XP


2 responses to “Dream: What a Night of Stress Will Bring You”

  1. Jeidai Avatar

    Were you reading Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings before you went to sleep? (Or even Ella Enchanted?) XD

    Adam played the saxamaphone?! Sounds like an interesting piece of artwork…

  2. Noellium Avatar

    Nope, I was just modifying the heck out of a photo I took of myself (for self-gratification purposes :P).

    Hee, I got a bit of a giggle too. :3

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